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San Diego Marine Exchange

Deck & Cockpit Furnishings

Look here for Deck Chairs, Cushions, Sto-Away Seats and and other Furnishings for your Deck or Cockpit, like a beautiful folding Teak Table, removable Pedestal Guard Tray, and many styles of Drink Holders. Whether you need to hold a glass, can, bottle, or coffee cup, we have the holders here. They can attach to a bulkhead, or rail. 

We stock many styles of chair for the Helm and Fishing Deck too. Check out the great folding back-support chairs that you can easily transport anywhere. You can also find a quad-based "fighting" chair that is well padded with gimballed rod holders. 

If you're looking for Throwable Cushions approved for use as Type IV PFDs, you'll find them under PFDs in our Safety & Regulations Category - use this link: PFDs and PFD Storage 

We also carry a line of BBQ Tables for rail mounting in our Galley, Stoves & Barbeques Category - use this link: BBQ Tables

Collapsible Stool - Black & Orange
Item # 88830
Anchor Drink System Starter Pack w/Black Coaster
Item # 100000
Anchor Drink System Starter Pack w/White Coaster
Item # 100001
Anchor Magnetic Coasters - Black - 2/pack
Item # 100002
Anchor Magnetic Coasters - White - 2/pack
Item # 100003
Drink Holder - "Soft-Mate"
Item # 702084
Beverage Cozy
Item # 710938
Robship Mug Holder - Navy
Item # 903055
Robship Modular Safety Cushion - Navy
Item # 903062
Beverage Holder - Sea-Dog Folding Plastic
Starting from $6.47
Deck Chairs - Folding Teak & Canvas
Deck & Cockpit Tables - Teak
Item # WDCTT
Starting from $493.41
Pompanette Aluminum Pedestals
Item # WPALP
Starting from $174.00
Todd Seating Hardware
Item # WTSHW
Starting from $26.05